Two weeks ago I’ve given a Penetration Testing and Metasploit Basic Workshop in the ICrOSS ( Indonesia Creative Open Source Software ) event. The event was held by AOSI ( Indonesia Open Source Association ), organized by Inixindo ( Thanks for Mr.Didik and Mrs. Zulfa ), supported by KOMINFO ( Indonesia Ministry of Communications and Informatics ) and sponsored by some Indonesia gov. organizations such as : ID-SIRTTI ( Thanks to Mr. Bisron ).
The duration of the workshop is 3 hours ( include the challenge ). It’s not possible to give a whole scope of penetration testing material (include writing a report ) in 3 hours. That’s why I just give a basic concept of the Penetration testing until the proof of concept with a Metasploit.
Each of students bring their own laptops in the workshop with a virtual machine installed, and do a hands on lab during the workshop. That’s why there are some materials that couldn’t be shown in the slide. The last session of the workshop, I give a challenge to win a shirt with a concept that’s similar with a hacking competition. ( It’s remember me with a Hacking competition that I join in Bandung, 2007 🙂 . )
some participants late, but the workshop must begin
After the workshop finished, It seems that some students are interested to study the material more details from a beginner level to medium level. For those I will give an in house training for them :). If you’d like to join please contact me, or You’re able to make a schedule with me for a workshop in the next time.
Thanks to Heru who helps me during the workshop.