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Tanggal 21 kemaren fl3xu5 dapet email dari mobilemonday
ya sebelum nya fl3xu5 register ..fl3xu5 dapatkan info tentang mobilemonday
dari my senior lab (mr.natha :))

Cobalah simak email di bawah ini baik – baik..
mudah – mudahan bermanfaat..

from : MobileMonday <>
date Jan 21, 2008 8:58 AM
subject MobileMonday Invite : Mobile Advertising, 28 January
MoMo Indonesia!

Welcome to the Year 2008… In MobileMonday, we continue to bring the best
of mobile industry thought-leaders to Indonesia to foster innovation and

First event for this year will feature one of the promising technologies
in mobile world: Mobile Advertising!

Details of the event as follows:

* Date : Monday, 28 January 2008
* Time : 18:00 – 20:00 WIB
* Place : Penang Bistro @ Oakwood Premier Cozmo, Kawasan Mega Kuningan
* Speaker: AdMob and WPP/Interaction Indonesia
* Fee : Did we mention it? GRATIS, off course. Dinner, drink and
insightful presentation will be provided.
* Register NOW!

Speaking of mobile advertising, do you know that each month, mobile users
in Indonesia already consumed over 115 millions ad impressions? Yes, that’
s right! Report by AdMob Metric has actually ranked us as the 5th largest
worldwide, just behind USA, India, South Africa and UK. It is time for
us to learn more and realize the big opportunity and state of readiness
of our audience.

Coming all the way from California, we are thrilled to have Aunkur Arya,
Director Business Development of AdMob (, the world largest
mobile advertising company joining us to give give first hand information
on this business. Also, let hear from Amin Azman, Managing Director of
WPP/Interaction Indonesia which is the part of WPP Company, one of the
world largest communication services groups, employing 100,000 people,
working in over 2,000 offices in 106 cities sharing his view on the industry.

Seats are limited to 100 people only. Events are FREE but pre-registration
is required. Pls head to our website to register, or follow the link :

So, are you sure that you want to missed out this opportunity?
Register and Reserve Your Seat NOW!

This event is made possible through generous support from our main sponsors,
Nokia Siemens Networks and Nokia Mobile Phones Indonesia.

See you there,

MoMo Indonesia Organizer

PS. Stay tuned for Indonesian Peer Award 2008 — where we select the best
and most innovative mobile applications/services — the Indonesian winner
will compete in the prestigious Peer 2 Peer Award in MobileMonday Global
Summit 2008.

PPS. Have you downloaded the presentation slides from the previous Grand
Launch? Check out the “Downloads” section on our website at

Mudah – mudan kita jadi rombongan dari lab ke TKP 🙂
Shout to :
mas natha (ayuuk kita rame2…Tuan rumah na mas yak !! 🙂 hehehe)