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Somedays ago , i just set some status related to the mac os x 64 bit kernel and Extension. Apparently one of my friend share with me about this. So i decided to do the step by step to make my mac os x system software become 64 bit.

As i know, there are some differences between 32 bit and 64 bit system software in an Operating System included in Mac OS X. One of them is 64 bit boost the performance of our computer. If you want to know more deeply about the differences between 32 bit and 64 bit , you could read this and this .

Below i try to share the step by step for this needed :

  1. Search via google  : boot64.efi , Then download it.
  2. sudo cp boot64.efi /System/Library/CoreServices/
  3. cd /System/Library/CoreServices/
  4. sudo chown root:wheel boot64.efi
  5. sudo chflags uchg boot64.efi
  6. sudo bless −−folder /System/Library/CoreServices/ −−file /System/Library/CoreServices/boot64.efi
  7. Reboot

After that, try to check whether your mac os x system software is 64 bit   :

  • Via Terminal , please type this command : sysctl hw | grep 64bit . if the result is hw.cpu64bit_capable : 1 , It’s mean your mac os x have been set up to 64 bit kernel system sofware

  • Via about this mac , then click on “More info” -> “Software”. If the result is ” 64-bit Kernel and Extensions: Yes” It’s mean your system software is 64 bit.