I just make a small mind map of Kali Linux for all of you . This mind map was dedicated to Kali Linux community and I hope this small mind map will help you to understand about Kali Linux. I’m planning to update this mind map soon , included the Tools in the Kali Linux itself. You’re able to download my mind map here , and If you have some ideas about the mind map of Kali Linux, please write down in the comment below .
![Kali Linux Mind Map](https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-pd_GKdyZkEU/UUsv8Avtg9I/AAAAAAAAAy4/Rf-uJibEf3A/s467/About+Kali+Linux.jpg)
Kali Linux Mind Map , download .pdf here
I’d like to say “Thank you very much” to the Kali Linux developers ( muts, purehate, etc 🙂
Tidak kebaca mind mapnya
Silahkan download .pdf nya 🙂
Really a very good blog . Nice information